As many of you know we are part of a crew, with our fierce lovely friends all over Turtle Island, raising funds for our other loves in the Two Spirit Warrior Society. Here’s a little update we wrote regarding whats going on with the Dakota Access Pipeline and info. about the fundraiser.
you tender babes for helping us raise $ 689 for the Two Spirit Warrior
Society! There is still a ways to go to meet our goal, so please give
generously if you are able to and please share.
people have been asking the organizers of this fundraiser “what is
happening at Standing Rock?" And that is a great question. One of
the tactics of the oil companies, banks, and State powers who want to
see the pipeline happen is to manipulate support for resistance through
corporate media by providing misinformation and partial truths. Yes, Water
Protectors have had a hard fought victory, as the main stream media has
reported – however the project is not dead and it is crucial to follow this through to the end, we must
not waver now.
The focus of corporate media and use of language saying “the pipeline is no longer
being built” is intentional miss information. Through partial truths,
mass media outlets are redirecting attention elsewhere so as to weaken
the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline; resistance that has been growing all over Turtle
Island. This can leave Water Protectors vulnerable.
more accurately has happened is the U.S. Army Corps did not grant permission to put the
pipeline under the river (the easement).
Wherever the pipeline is routed to, it will
damage water systems and ecosystems. Dakota Access hasn’t packed up
and left– they still have floodlights on, equipment ready, and private
security. Razor wire and police still stand between water protectors and
the drill site. They aren’t leaving, they’re lying in wait.
Energy Transfer Partners and Sunoco Logistics, the companies behind the
project, called the ruling a “purely political action”, accused the
Obama administration of abandoning the rule of law “in favor of currying
favor with a narrow and extreme political constituency”, and said the
pipeline project would go ahead.
President-elect Trump has expressed explicit support for the
pipeline, and it is expected that he will over turn the U.S. Army Corp decision after his
inauguration on January 20.
and his pro-oil, climate-change-denying cabinet pose a serious threat to
the environment and to indigenous sovereignty.

This fight is far from
two-spirit friends are gathering resources to fight the re-emergence of
the black snake, and to make sure this temporary victory holds.
camps have been reduced in numbers, and for the most part supplies are
being organized by internal camps. Many of the original funds have been
disconnected, or are not available to people on the ground. It is
important to continue to support the groups who are sticking it out,
including Pueblo Camp, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate, Red Medicine Liberation
Camp, and the Two Spirit Warrior Society. It is important to recognize
that Water Protectors are throwing down now, as we speak all along the
length of the Black Snake, not just at Standing Rock and that this
diversity is crucial to stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline.
support this work if you are able to – every dollar counts! Please tell
your friends about it.
Here are some links to articles if you would like to read more about what is currently going on.
“Standing Rock Activists Stay in Place Fearing ‘Victory’ was a Trick”
Photo credit: Wulfgang Zapf