The Unist’ot’en Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation have been defending their traditional territories from Pipelines for nearly a decade and the fight is not over.
Some time has passed dear lovelies since we last shared an update. Wulf flies East to join beyon in Mass. in a week to begin a whirlwind 6 weeks making the long awaited book, Voices: Indigenous Women on the Front Lines Speak. It’s been nearly a year and a half journey so far and there are many more days to come.
Let us set aside the catch up for now and go to where this project began and a place we return to. For now we want to talk about the place where one Wulfgang and one beyon became friends just over 2 years ago. We’d like to talk about the Unist’ot’en Clan, their territory Talbits Kwa and the work of Freda and her family.
Eight years ago Freda Huson, spokeswoman for her family, the Hereditary Leadership of the Unist’ot’en Clan of the
Wet’suwet’en Nation, moved back onto her traditional territories to live full time. The Wet’suwet’en of her generation
were voicing growing concerns to their elders, concerns regarding the rapid destruction of their territories and the unceasing devastations of colonialism upon their families. Following the direction of her father, Elders and the voices of her generation Freda set out to defend the Unist’ot’en Yintah, Talbits Kwa, from the emerging threat of pipelines.
Many have heard of the Unist’ot’en Camp; a site of resistance, of asserting Indigenous Sovereignty, of defeating pipelines, turning away the RCMP and defying colonial aspirations.
What the Unist’ot’en yintah Talbits Kwah also is, is Freda’s home. Freda and the matriarchs of her family have created a place within their territory where people can come from all over the world to drink directly from the ancient waters of the river Wedzinkwa. They have created a place of healing for their people, where ancestors and councilors can guide the people on paths of coming back to healthy living. Where youth come to pick berries, hunt and trap and learn new old ways of being in relation to all life. What the Unist’ot’en are in the process of doing is making the impossible possible by living in ways that make anti-racist and anti-colonial futures possible.
They are bringing their people home to the land and responding to the many crises faced by the Wet’suwet’en living on reserves; responding in ways that exist outside of the state, outside of capitalist ‘solutions’ that only mean further
exploitation and dependency.
While the Unist’ot’en and their supporters have successfully stopped industry, such as the Enbridge pipeline from entering their territory, the work of defending land, water and life is far from done. Coastal Gas Link and Pacific Trails Pipeline still lie in waiting to enter illegally onto territories never ceded by the Unist’ot’en to the equally illegal occupier canada. Moving forward into Healing the Land and Healing the People means growing support for Indigenous lead movements and resistance across all lands and waters. The Unist’ot’en need the ongoing support of all peoples living on the unceded lands of Turtle Island to resource the work they are doing; the work to revitalize their culture, bring their peoples back to the land to heal and the work Freda and her family are doing to teach and support other Indigenous communities defending their lands.
Undoing the many violences of 150 years of colonialism is the most crucial work of out time and we are all needed and all capable of rising to the occasion.
There are many ways you can support the work of Freda and the Unist’ot’en:
As our mother Earth turns us towards the sun and the seeds are rising up and growing tall much work is being done to
protect land, water and Indigenous Sovereignty.
We wanted to take this moment to provide some news on this work because people on their lands doing this work need our support.
xoxo wulf and beyon.
Wulf and two other trans white settler supporters living on Lkwungen Territory are facing charges and harsh proposed
sentencing. They are remaining strong and have connected with a lawyer who will be representing the three co-accused on a pay what you can basis. Thank you to everyone who has been providing such incredible care, knowledge and support.
While this has been going on Wulf has been able to spend time at Flo’s farm and at Ulluisc mostly helping with getting
food in the earth. They are super grateful for all the love and support that makes it possible for them to be
mobile and available on the ground especially to support the people they love.
Flo and Wolverine’s farm, Cyale, is well underway with planting and much work was done by hand to weed and mulch the large strawberry patch and prepare the soil for beans, peas and potatoes. The thing is Flo and her family are still
trying to raise the funds to purchase tractor wheels, which cost about $3400. Approximately $2600 has been
raised so far. To learn more about Flo’s work and contribute there is an online fundraiser here:
Christine Jack, caretaker of Ulluisc, is hosting 3 gatherings over the coming months.
On June 3rd Ulluisc will be hosting a walk and talk with Elders from 10 am to 2pm.
June 19th to 23rd is the Women’s Gathering at Ulluisc. This event is for Women identified people of all walks of life (this means trans women and two-spirit people wanting to work with woman energy welcome.)
The third gathering is the All Others Gathering for Two-Spirit, Queer and Trans identified folks. More details to come!
For more information check out Christine’s most recent update video:
The Indigenous Leadership Academy is building a Pit House in Lil’wat a part of the St’at’imc Nation. This is an educational project that revives Indigenous ways of being through teaching, and living.
Tsimshian, Haida and Nisga’a Water Protector Goot-Ges is currently raising funds to cover the cost for her and three other Indigenous Mothers on Tsimshian territory to take a trauma healing course as part of the preparations in establishing a safety plan for Girls and Women in the city of Prince Rupert. With industry moving forward with export facilities on unceded waters the threat of Man Camps housing thousands of transient and exploited workers pose serious threats of violence against women.
You can donate directly to Goot-Ges’s work through e-transfer here:
And they are getting themselves and their people organized and need your support:
FUNDRAISING APPEAL for the Secwepemc’ulecw Assembly
All settler comrades, friends and allies, Elders and women from the Secwepemc nation are hosting a nation-wide Secwepemc’ulecw Assembly on the land in June. The goals of the Assembly are to discuss and take action under Secwepemc law against colonial corporate development impacting Secwepemc’ulecw without Collective Consent.
One of the imminent concerns is to resist Kinder Morgan’s pipeline expansion. The Assembly will be taking place on the land close to where the pipeline is proposed to cross. The LARGEST Indigenous territory that Kinder Morgan crosses is in fact Secwepemc territory. The pipeline would carry 900,000 barrels a day of diluted bitumen through 518 km of Secwepemc territory.
This Assembly is rooted in the vision of beloved Secwepemc leader Arthur Manuel. Shortly before he passed away, he wrote to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: “We do not accept that the federal government can make this
decision unilaterally and without the prior informed consent of the Secwepemc people as the rightful titleholders… Any leakage would immediately threaten the pacific salmon who spawn in the Thompson and Fraser River basins. It is not surprising that most Secwepemc people are in complete solidarity with the Water Protectors from Standing Rock North
Dakota. Our waters are also sacred.”
Secwepemc women, elders and nation members are volunteering their time, energy and labour to host this assembly. They write, “The Secwepemc peoples’ have survived the impacts of colonialism (disease, residential schools, the Indian Act) and maintain our original instructions to look after the water, plants, and animals.”
As settlers, our responsibilities must also be unwavering and unequivocal – to support Indigenous Peoples affirming collective Indigenous law over their territories. As settlers and organizations, we daily materially benefit from living and working on lands that are unjustly seized and occupied.
One concrete way to support is to financially resource this grassroots effort. ** We suggest all settlers donate at least one day of their wage or whatever you can contribute to resourcing this Assembly. ** The fundraising goal is $15,000 for food, tents, gas and transportation costs, elders lodging, sound equipment and more.
Etransfer funds to:
Question: What is this for?
Password: Assembly.
or Cheques to Janice Billy, Treasurer, George Manuel Institute, Unit B –
5836 Trans Canada Highway, Chase, BC, V0E 1M0.
Everyone also email if you are sending an etransfer or cheque with the amount being sent and if and how you would like to be included in the list of thank yous.
Thank you for contributing to this struggle and strengthening collective Secwepemc governance. Share this far and wide.
Wulfgang just returned to the big concrete after spending some time with the wonderful Christine Jack up at Ulluisc. Here’s a video they shot for Christine and if you have any questions about how you can support Christine’s work or if you are interested in attending the Gathering and need more info. please get in touch and they might be able to help answer or direct your questions 🙂
Also! There is the “All Others Gathering” going down in August, which is specifically for Two-Spirit, Queer and Trans humans. So stay tuned for more details about that in the coming weeks.
Christine Jack caretaker of Ulluisc, part of St’at’imc territory, provides an update about upcoming gatherings.
On June 3rd Ulluisc will be hosting a walk and talk with Elders from 10 am to 2pm.
June 19th to 23rd is the Women’s Gathering at Ulluisc. This event is for Women identified people of all walks of life (this means trans women and two-spirit people wanting to work with woman energy welcome.) Space for children will be provided with child minders. The terrain is rocky with dirt roads and the outhouse at the cabin is wheel chair accessible. There will be people on site skilled with first aid.
There will be lunch served as people arrive on the 19th and a farewell circle on the 23rd.
Please bring your camping gear, foods to contribute (particularly if you have allergies), any donations you would like to make to the gratitude table, a blanket donation for the sweat lodge if you so desire, and any sacred items you wish to work with. No need to pack water as the creak is drinkable. There will be volunteer cooks to provide meals.
Much love and solidarity to you all.
Christine Jack is a Two-Spirit spiritual leader and healer who lives 51 km up the mountains at Ulluisc to protect the ancestral village, the animals, the waters and the lands from threat of industrial expansion and logging.
To get to Ulluisc: Stay on the Yalakom road following the yellow kilometer markers go past the Ore Creek Campsite, go past the yellow 44km marker, go past the turn off to Lac la Mare (stay on the road that goes along the river), keep staying on the Yalakom road until just past the 50 km mark.
To make monetary donations cheques can be mailed to PO Box 1188 Lillooet BC V0K 1V0.
“You need two hands to fight the system. You cannot have one hand asking for something and the other one closed. You have to be able to fight with both hands.”
means gathering place. It is the Secwepemc word for the hollow in the hillside
where people gather, such as the one on Flo’s land. Flo tells stories of how people
would come for giveaways to this place since time immemorial.
She explains that
the farm is called Cyale to continue this legacy and tradition: to grow food
for her community, for her Nation, and for other Nations fighting for their
The late Wolverine
and Flo built a farm in Adam’s Lake First Nation, near Chase in so-called BC to
grow food for people in their community and also to support Frontline Land Defenders. They have been transporting a big portion of their harvest ever year
to the Unist’ot’en Yintah and to other Indigenous Frontlines. They grow
heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables and save seeds for future use.
We are working with other supporters to raise funds for the critical infrastructure that Flo needs to keep the farm going and providing nourishment for Land Defenders.
Flo needs tractor tires which are $3800 and materials for constructing a greenhouse which we estimate at $2000.
To make a contribution to Flo, Food Sovereignty and Protection of the Land:
For etransfer and PayPal put “Donation to farm” in the message field
xo beyon and wulfgang
p.s. if you have any questions hit us up at
Sharing this around again as some folks a little East of here have put up an online fundraiser with some sweet perks available by Beyon.
Also Wulf is out at the farm now getting their hands in the dirt and that tractor needs wheels!
xo <3
If nobody is speaking the truth then we are
all living a lie.
-Queen Sacheen
What I do know of our people out here was
that when it was time to go to war we weren’t pacifists. When we prayed at wartime we prayed to kill
our enemies, we prayed to be victorious; we prayed to be the winners of the
battle. Whatever that battle was,
whether it was over a broken paddle or a broken promise we weren’t peaceful, we
weren’t pacifists, we weren’t negating spirituality either; it was also
-Queen Sacheen
Xhopakelxhit, Sacheen Seitcham, is a Snuneymuxw, Nuu Chah Nulth,
Coast Salish and CreeGrandmother, Medicine Maker, Water Protector and
Strategist.Co-Founder of the Coast Salish Native Youth Movement, The West Coast
Women Warrior Society Media Cooperative, Yaakswiis Warriors, Imperial No More and Ancestral Pride Sacheen’s life is
dedicated to the futures of the children.In August of 2016
Sacheen and 3 others were arrested for attempting to block the restocking of a
fish farm in Ahousaht waters and in the autumn Sacheen and her family were
throwing down with Red Warrior at Standing Rock and providing crucial on the
ground media coverage.
Sacheen’s work relies on the support of people like you dedicated to
Indigenous Sovereignty and Protection of Water, Land and Life.With
court dates coming upon both sides of the colonial border, family to
support and Imperial Metals, the Kinder Morgan Pipeline and Cermaq to fuck up
your donations are crucial.
Please support Warriors.
E- transfers can be made to:
I do believe that the creator lives inside
of everybody and I do believe in my ancestors and I do believe that I am doing
what’s right. The things that I am
motivated by and that keep me going are my Grandkids. I have a responsibility to them. It’s really sad that the work that we do as
Mothers and Grandmothers and Protectors and Warriors is vilified.
-Queen Sacheen
Xhopakelxhit, Sacheen Seitcham, is a Snuneymuxw, Nuu Chah Nulth,
Coast Salish and CreeGrandmother, Medicine Maker, Water Protector and
Strategist.Co-Founder of the Coast Salish Native Youth Movement, The West Coast
Women Warrior Society Media Cooperative, Yaakswiis Warriors, Imperial No More and Ancestral Pride Sacheen’s life is
dedicated to the futures of the children.In August of 2016
Sacheen and 3 others were arrested for attempting to block the restocking of a
fish farm in Ahousaht waters and in the autumn Sacheen and her family were
throwing down with Red Warrior at Standing Rock and providing crucial on the
ground media coverage.
Sacheen’s work relies on the support of people like you dedicated to
Indigenous Sovereignty and Protection of Water, Land and Life.With
court dates coming upon both sides of the colonial border, family to
support and Imperial Metals, the Kinder Morgan Pipeline and Cermaq to fuck up
your donations are crucial.
Please support Warriors.
E- transfers can be made to:
Rebelling is not like a cool thing you do
and then you go to college and then get a fucking job and then be a fucking
capitalist for the rest of your life.
-Queen Sacheen
It’s a colonial lie that we cannot support
each other in a diversity of tactics.
-Queen Sacheen
Xhopakelxhit, Sacheen Seitcham, is a Snuneymuxw, Nuu Chah Nulth,
Coast Salish and CreeGrandmother, Medicine Maker, Water Protector and
Strategist.Co-Founder of the Coast Salish Native Youth Movement, The West Coast
Women Warrior Society Media Cooperative, Yaakswiis Warriors, Imperial No More and Ancestral Pride Sacheen’s life is
dedicated to the futures of the children.In August of 2016
Sacheen and 3 others were arrested for attempting to block the restocking of a
fish farm in Ahousaht waters and in the autumn Sacheen and her family were
throwing down with Red Warrior at Standing Rock and providing crucial on the
ground media coverage.
Sacheen’s work relies on the support of people like you dedicated to
Indigenous Sovereignty and Protection of Water, Land and Life.With
court dates coming upon both sides of the colonial border, family to
support and Imperial Metals, the Kinder Morgan Pipeline and Cermaq to fuck up
your donations are crucial.
Please support Warriors.
E- transfers can be made to:
Look into your babies eyes and tell me,
tell me you are not going to do everything in your power to make sure they have
a future that doesn’t involve living in fucking consumer barracks, living in
the capitalist trenches of the cities fucking being mindless zombies living in
fucking boxes and buying fucking boxes and throwing fucking boxes away and then
ending up in a box and it all meant nothing and that’s the legacy. To me the legacy is freedom. The legacy is liberation. And maybe there will be blood shed, more than
already has been, and maybe that blood will be mine, but if there’s a future
worth having then it is worth it to me.
-Queen Sacheen
Xhopakelxhit, Sacheen Seitcham, is a Snuneymuxw, Nuu Chah Nulth,
Coast Salish and CreeGrandmother, Medicine Maker, Water Protector and
Strategist.Co-Founder of the Coast Salish Native Youth Movement, The West Coast
Women Warrior Society Media Cooperative, Yaakswiis Warriors, Imperial No More and Ancestral Pride Sacheen’s life is
dedicated to the futures of the children.In August of 2016
Sacheen and 3 others were arrested for attempting to block the restocking of a
fish farm in Ahousaht waters and in the autumn Sacheen and her family were
throwing down with Red Warrior at Standing Rock and providing crucial on the
ground media coverage.
Sacheen’s work relies on the support of people like you dedicated to
Indigenous Sovereignty and Protection of Water, Land and Life.With
court dates coming upon both sides of the colonial border, family to
support and Imperial Metals, the Kinder Morgan Pipeline and Cermaq to fuck up
your donations are crucial.
Please support Warriors.
E- transfers can be made to: