Dear wild ones,
Thank you!
With your help we’ve sold over 100
tickets in support of the 2Spirit Warrior Society, the people we love on the
ground fighting the Black Snake; The Dakota Access Pipeline.
With only 2 weeks left we still need the support of many more
people in order to reach our goal of selling 2000 tickets.
This means we need you. We need you to help spread the word to
everyone among your webs of interconnection so that we can get resources to 2Spirit Indigenous Land Defenders. The fight on the ground is not over, the violence has not abated, the need for support only grows.

A friend of ours recently wrote to us and
said, “The white supremacist colonial
heteropatriarchal state is trying to kill us. still. And we will only survive
in relation to each other.”
She means us, all of us, and that
includes you. <3
The incredible contributions from artists
are offerings; gifts shared in mutual aid with all the people, you,
contributing money to ensure on the ground warriors have what they need to
protect themselves, the water, the land, the air, the medicines.
This fight is real and the necessity of us
contributing what we are able in the many ways we can is growing. Please share what you have and take care of each other out there.
Spread the word to your friends in
all the ways possible.
And extend to them our gratitude. We likely have not met, and maybe we never
will, but we are connected in this fight for our lives and the lives of those we love.