Today we post the first of many progress updates related to this project. we hope that you will follow us downstream though each bend as we move forward and between places and collect these stories and images. In these updates we’ll let you know where we’ve been and provide information and requests from the Land Defenders who we’ve been working with.
Love wulfgang and beyon.

On the 7th of May I travelled by bus and thumb through the Coastal Mountains to Ulluisc (Ooloosh), part of Xwisten territory, St’at’imc nation. Once at Ulluisc I had the pleasure to sit quiet among the Pines, Poplars and Cotton Woods with the sound of the river and winds around me. We harvested wild onions, t’seweta, arnica and pine tips, smoked and canned a deer hunted by Christine and Badger, and built additions to the outdoor kitchen and storage areas.

The earth was warm and the kinnikinnick we sat upon full of life as Christine and I spoke about her path, healing work and hopes for the land and decolonization. This conversation is the first of many, which will make up the content for the book beyon and I will hand make this fall.

For a year and two months Two Spirit Spiritual Leader Christine Jack has been living at Ulluisc as caretaker of the territory at the request of her Elders. Ulluisc is the ucwalmicw (people of the land) name and means, “a place for the people to gather.” It was given this name, as it was a village site, meeting place and trading grounds for the Secwepemc, Tsilhqot’in and St’át’imc people. Logging company Aspen Planers was attempting to enter the territory to clear-cut even more of the forests than they have already gotten their hands on and they built a road directly over an ishtkin site. Christine, her children and her supporters have put an end to the destruction of Ulluisc so that the people and the land may heal.

This June Christine and the Elders plan to build an ishtkin (pit house) at Ulluisc, which will become Christine’s home as she follows her path on the land until the end of her days. Supporters are needed for this endeavor and are welcome. In addition Christine would like to invite spiritual people to seek her out and visit her at Ulluisc.
You can learn more about Ulluisc here:
And if you want to learn more about the St’at’imc people the documentary “Spirit of the People” is a really wonderful documentary and you can watch a short excerpt here: https://youtu.be/tSFvqGWf_7o
If you are heading out to Ulluisc it is important to be mindful of how you are on the land and to be respectful as a guest there. This means taking nothing without consent and ensuring nothing you packed in is left behind. Bringing foodstuffs (particularly fresh fruit and veggies and if you have any food allergies- appropriate food for yourself) is a good idea and the weather can change rapidly in the mountains so prepare for the wet, the hot and the cool. There is no alcohol or violence tolerated at Ulluisc. Be prepared to work in reciprocity for all you will gain joining Christine in her work on the land, as there are many tasks to keep the camp running and everyone comfortable. Lastly, my advice is to listen and allow yourself to be open for we all have so much to gain and learn from one another.
To get to Ulluisc: Stay on the Yalakom road following the yellow kilometer markers go past the Ore Creek Campsite, go past the yellow 44km marker, go past the turn off to Lac la Mare (stay on the road that goes along the river), keep staying on the Yalakom road until just past the 50 km mark.
As far as accessibility goes the ground is rocky and uneven in places and structures around the camp are not accessible by wheelchair. There is a ramp up to the cabin, but I do not believe it is not wide enough for wheelchairs. There is an outhouse to relieve oneself. Dogs are welcome however it is integral that their human companions be responsible for them at all times! If people have questions feel free to contact us through our queries page.
To make monetary donations cheques can be mailed to PO Box 1188 Lillooet BC V0K 1V0.
Here are some suggestions for things helpful to Ulluisc:
Any meat, fish or produce you have preserved yourself either canned, smoked or dried <3
Any medicines (teas, tinctures, salves) you have made yourself (please include info. on ingredients and use)
Sunflower Oil
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dried Fruit
Nuts/Trail mix
Brown Sugar
Hot Cocoa
Almond milk
*Large Rubber-made containers with secure lids.
First Aid supplies
Seeds for edible plants
xo Wulfgang
ox beyon