Good Morning Dear Ones,
Our friend Goot-Ges reached out to us last night as she is trying to get her daughter Kwiadda up to the Unist’ot’en Art camp.
Goot-Ges is an incredible land defender, healer, story-teller and Mama
and it would be incredible to get her and her daughter to the camp. (She is also one of the participants in this book and interviews Wulf on the radio!)
We let her know that we would share her request for support, found below.
Please share this with your peeps and send some funds, anything helps, if you can.
Any contributions (or prayers and messages of love) can be made by e-transfer to .
Thank you lovelies,
Beyon and Wulfgang
My name is Goot-Ges, an independent mother of
three beautiful babies. I am Nisga’a, Tsimshian, and Haida. Came to the
city for some healing, and to have some safety for me and my children.
Had some money saved up to be on this trip,or to secure a new place to
live, but had some unexpected vehicle repairs, which ended up being
double than what I could afford.
My oldest child Kwiadda is trying to make it to the Youth Art Camp at Unistoten, July 18-29th.
We are currently in Vancouver, and are looking to get back to the north
for the camp. I just finished working on a blog to outline what our
journey is, as my big project right now is Yakguudang, this translates
into Respect all life in Haida language. The vision behind Yakguudang is
to keep our coast clean from any potential oil and gas projects.
Healthy environments create healthy communities. And i believe that
social justice and environmental justice are connected.
Our last
project with Yakguudang was stopping Naikun wind farms from developing
in Haida Waters to power WCC lng export facility being proposed for tuck
inlet in unceded Tsimshian land of Prince Rupert. That was a success,
to date no project there. If anyone can help us out in anyway, it would
be greatly appreciated.
Click here to find out how you can get involved
Thank you for your time, and anything will help us. Even a good prayer, or a message of love.
Goot Ges, aka Fire Woman.