This week we move towards the fullness of
the moon.
As she/they/zi fills so do we.
We are water and our own tides are drawn by
Oceans within us.
We are full of the magnitude of the seas, rains,
tears and wild currents.
We are full of power.
Notice your fullness as she/they/zi grows to light
the night sky.
Reflect on the nature of your power.
And when the time comes release.
Release your power into the world and allow
your magics to do their work.
The ones who walked with queer, brown, mad,
feral, ferocious, tender love on the body of our mother before us ask no less
of us in these times of growing calamity.
Look within yourself. Ask the creatures around you for help. And draw out your own abilities in service of
the earth and all those deemed too dangerous to be left free by white
supremacy, colonialism, cis-supremacy, pathology… let our inner fires burn as bright stars and
our kin never to burn by the violent hands of white patriarchy ever again.

Queer, Anti-Racist print maker Annie Banks is a white settler living and organizing in Huichin, on Chochenyo Ohlone territories, in the Bay Area. She works her magics in collaboration with fellow facilitators and organizers, artists and makers; crafters of practical magics. Annie’s ability to learn from those around her and then transform that information into accessible mediums through words and images is a powerful gift.
The print pictured at the top, created in solidarity with all the Water Protectors throwing down against the Dakota Access Pipeline is a gift from Annie to those contributing material supports to the 2Spirit Warrior Society.
An Offering to you.
You can find more of Annie’s work here <3.

Enter the raffle for a chance to win one of
Annie Banks’ prints and allow the product of her magics to flow into
your own currents. And let your networks know about the work taking place here.
Share in the power of witnessing one
another’s paths as we move along our own.
Let the tides move and gather and flow through you. Rain fire down upon our enemies offer
protections to our kin and soothing hands, tender hearts to the wounded.