Just a few hours left of 20% off.
Indigenous Women on the Front Lines Speak
Just a few hours left of 20% off.
My friend Destiny Michell speaking on Lkwungen Territory about her experiences as a Youth doing protocol and hiking on her Yintah (territory) Talbits Kwa. Destiny is in grade 7 this year and preparing to be a Hereditary Chief of the Unist’ot’en Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation. She is protecting the land now for herself and her future generations.
<3 Such a pleasure to interview Destiny last summer and always such a gift to spend time with her, Destiny you bring nourishment to the hearth of my heart!
Hello Lovelies,
Did you know that we got a run printed of an ol’ beyon original? We have back patches and shirts with this print on them available at the Voices: Indigenous Women on the Front Lines Speak store.
With Wulf heading off this spring and summer to support front lines up north before they meet up with beyon out East to complete the book. And beyon working her butt off to get materials together and equipment to complete said book while working on the illustrations every dollar we make in sales helps us out a TON. A lot of the dollars raised on the store goes to support other incredible humans too.
Thank you all for your ongoing support <3
Wulfie and beyon.
Our friends Molly Wickham, who we visited and interviewed last summer for the Voices Project and her Sister, Jennifer, who is writing the forward for Voices: Indigenous Women on the Front Lines Speak, have put out a call for support for the Indigenous Life School.
Indigenous life school is gearing up for a spring gathering in april
2017. At this time, one of the families will begin construction of a new
traditional pit house, the families will learn how to care for and ride
horses, and focus on archery as a means of self sustainability.
We are looking for your support to assist families with travel and food
costs as well as supplies for the traditional pit house.
Your support will go directly to indigenous families who are working
hard to raise their children in a traditional way–providing them with
land based, experiential learning opportunities such as building their
own homes.
Raising children on the land, in their culture is the most important work that can be done to protect all life. Please share the fundraiser with your networks and give if you can.
beyon and wulfie
Dear hearts of resistance, today, as
thousands continue taking it to the streets, we want to feature one of our contributors
to the 2Spirit Warrior Society raffle, Cea Wiley, a practicing herbalist. Because we see you. We see you on the countless front lines,
front lines to protect the water, the medicine, the air, front lines to end the
violence enacted by the state on black and brown bodies, front lines breaking
down dangerous gender binaries, front lines to keep each other alive as fentanyl
has added to a drug war that has grown in crescendo to a crisis.
You are survivor and resistor both. And trauma is real.
Your health, the health of the land and
the water and the air are interconnected.
Your healing is resistance, it is part of this struggle we walk each
day. Caring for yourself, caring for
each other and healing is part of our important work so we can be strong for
ourselves and one another.
Cea Wiley, a trans, queer herbalist and
anarchist, who has generously donated 3 herbal consultations, to our raffle
raising funds for the 2Spirit Warrior Society, works from this place. This place where our survival is our
resistance and the way one practices medicines is a part of dismantling forces
of colonialism, white supremacy and cis-heteropatriarchy.
Cea Wiley practices herbalism drawing
from their training as a street medic and licensed EMT-B. Using harm reduction
models, Cea strives to empower their clients to look at and make informed
decisions for themselves and their health.
To have a chance to win 1 of 3 herbal
consultations with Cea enter our raffle and help us support our dear friends in
the 2Spirit Warrior Society as they throw down in the fight against the Dakota
Access Pipeline.
You can also connect with Cea directly
to learn more about their services and book a consultation with them here:
Cea prioritizes a low-cost practice,
acknowledging class disparities stemming from as well as reinforcing racism,
colonization, gender, ability and resource accessibility.
Be careful with each other dear ones,
so you can be dangerous together!
Dear ones,
The fires continue to
burn at Standing Rock and all along the body of the Black Snake. New
fires are being lit each day as Indigenous resistance spreads. We are
gathering at our own points among the growing constellations to offer support
and fuel the fires of front lines as Queer and 2Spirit artists, organizers and
healers in solidarity.
We invite you to join
us through directly contributing to this fundraiser and sharing our work with
your own constellations of people until the blaze of our resistance is truly
Many generous and
wonderful artists, makers and healers have contributed incredible services,
hand crafted gifts and works of art to this raffle in support of the 2Spirit
Warrior Society.
Works include limited
edition prints by artists Noel’le Longhaul, beyon wren moor and Annie Banks, a
handcrafted book by Emi Lynn Holler, original stick and poke tattoos by Kiala
and photographic prints by Amber Bracken and Wulfgang Zapf. Tender hearts
have also contributed hand made clothing, massages, herbal consultations and
more. The combined monetary value of all raffle items is over $2000 in
so-called canadian dollars.
All proceeds raised
through this raffle will go directly to the purchase of a 4×4 truck, trailer
and yurt for members of the 2Spirit Warrior Society to support their continued
struggle against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
To view the prizes,
purchase tickets and learn more about the 2Spirit Warrior Society and the
ongoing resistance to the Black Snake visit:
Tickets are $5 CAD.
The raffle runs until midnight on February 13th, winners will be drawn on
February 14th. Only 2500 tickets will be sold across Turtle Island.
No surrender.
Defend the Water. Defend the Sacred.
Love and Rage,
-Voices: Indigenous
Women on the Front Lines Speak, voicesbook.tumblr.com
the UVic Pride
Collective, uvicpride.ca
and the Queers for
Indigenous Territory Defense Crew.
“Flora Banks”
Prints available in store:
Shot on 35mm B&W Film with no digital editing. Original photograph by Wülfgang Zapf.
50% of all sales goes directly to Land Defenders featured in the Voices Project.
Photo of the Flora Banks at low tide. It is where one generation of salmon cross the next. Located in the channels between Lax’U’u’la and adjacent islands.
Lax U’u’la, is located at the mouth of the Skeena river. Adjacent to the island are the Flora Banks, an area made up of glacial silt from the last ice age where eel grass flourishes. The Flora Banks and the eel grass that grows there is a crucial habitat for young Salmon smolts who as adults will run the Skeena river. The eel grass provides shelter from the strong currents and tides while the smolts acclimatize to their new lives in saltwater and adult salmon re-adjust to begin their journey up the river. This is a place where one generation of salmon passes another. The straight next to Lax U’u’la teams with porpoises, humpback whales pass through the region and wolves hunt the deer who find bountiful food on the island. We were told the ancestors and wild spirits of the animals protect Lax U’u’la.
It is on this small marshy island, covered in berries, ancient cedars and eagle’s nests that Petronas and Pacific North West LNG (PNW LNG) scheme to build an export facility for gas fracked in the North East of so called bc.
There are 8 facilities planned for the Tsimshian’s territories around colonial Prince Rupert.
In August of 2015 five Women of Haida, Gitxsan and Tsimshian descent, with the support of the Hereditary House Leader for the Gitwilgyoots tribe responsible for Lax U’u’la, began an occupation of the Island. Since that moment they have been offering their prayers, utilizing the medicines of the island, raising their children and going out onto the water to courageously stop the work of surveyors hired by PNW LNG. Many warriors and supporters have joined these women in their fight for the land, waters and life.
#waterislife #voicesbook #leluisland #indigenousresistance #bwphotography (at Lelu Island)
This is the incredible print, Dandelion, by
beyon wren moor that we are giving away as a back patch free with any
purchase from our online store. The $$ from all sales goes directly to
supporting the Voices project or directly to Indigenous Women and
Two-Spirit Land Defenders. Offer ends December 5th <3
Check out our store here: www.voicesbook.storenvy.com
Voices shot an update for the wonderful Christine Jack on our last visit. Christine Jack is a St’at’imc Life-Giver, Two-Spirit Land Defender and Spiritual Leader. She lives on a territory called Ulluisc which is the location of ancestral villages, diverse wildlife and medicines. Christine was asked by her Elders to defend Ulluisc and now that is what she does. From Standing Rock to Ulluisc Defend the Lands and Waters.