On August 25th we drove out of Lekwungen Territory to go visit our friend Sacheen, a Grandmother, medicine maker, traditional midwife, writer and unwavering land defender.

Sacheen and her husband Crow, of Ancestral Pride and the Yaakswiis warriors live in the village of Ahousaht on so-called Flores Island with three of their children. The village is a short boat ride from the yuppie surfer tourist bon-iver listening culturally appropriative hell of Tofino. Surrounded by the ocean and one of the last standing temperate rain forests still intact Ahousaht is watched over by Chitapii Mountain from across the waves.

We arrived a few days after Sacheen, Crow, their niece Havannah and friend Lenny, all Ahousaht members, were arrested for attempting to stop the restocking of a Cermaq fish farm. This fish farm was the site where over a million fish were culled when it was shut down in 2012 due to risk of disease spreading to wild fish. Fish farms are responsible for devastating Wild Salmon runs particularly in the Fraser River. This has had terrible impacts on dozens of communities not just along the coast, but the whole length of the river. The corporations responsible are heavily subsidized and protected by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the ‘federal government’ of so-called canada.

After spending the night catching up and preparing for the next day we all threw down with a demo at the DFO in solidarity with those arrested for defending their land. The DFO was shut down for the day due to the presence of Land Defenders and their supporters. Those arrested were present and affirmed that although RCMP had forced them to sign conditions they would not back down in the defense of Wild Salmon.

Upon returning home to Ahousaht we arrived to a dozen wild salmon gifted to Sacheen and Crow for their protection of land, waters and life. We spent the next dozen hours together processing and canning these life giving fish. Salmon are a crucial species for the ecosystems of which they are apart. They are also a primary food for many people all over Turtle Island. The destruction of our relationships to the animals and plants that are our foods is a form of colonialism and genocide that goes back to the very beginnings of the occupation of turtle island. It escapes none of us that the destruction of wild salmon is similar to the slaughter of the buffalo.

The rains came as we visited and most of our days were spent playing with Chevayo, Sacheen and Crows youngest, making big meals for the dozen of us in the house while sharing stories and planning for continued resistance to both Fish Farms and Imperial Metals a company with mineral rights to Chitapii mountain. The rain did let up enough so that we were able to explore the beaches and forests and harvest black berries, huckleberries, blueberries and cranberries.

Sacheen and her family live resistance each and every day. It is not a job or something that can ever be put down and returned too. It is always such a gift to spend time with this family who are so dear to our hearts and to join in resistance to the corporations, whether industry or the so-called government of canada that threaten their lives and home.

If you too are interested in supporting Sacheen and her families work we suggest signing up for a monthly donation through their website. We all know the monthly hustle to pay to live is real especially when we have people dependent on us and our contributions to relieve Sacheen and Crow of this monthly hustle is a huge strength to our collective movement towards liberation.
You can also support the campaign Imperial No More.
…and learn more about Ancestral Pride’s work on their website.

Lastly if you live nearby we’re planning a big bus ride with some pals to head up to Tofino for Sacheen, Crow, Lenny and Havannah’s court date on November 7th. If you interested shoot us an email as we would love to have you join us.
xo beyon and Wulfgang.